Constellation Papyri


Papyrus codex containing the Shepherd of Hermas visions 1-4 (P.Bodmer 38), the Vision of Dorotheos (P.Bodmer 29), and educational poems (P.Bodmer 30-37).
Description: The Bodmer Codex of Visions is a single-quire papyrus codex containing 10 named works. Their sequence has been reconstructed as follows: Folio 1r-11v contain the Shepherd of Hermas visions 1-3. A missing central sheet consisting of folio 12 and 13 is hypothesized to allow for the inclusion of the fourth vision of Hermas, along with the end of the third vision. Folio 14r-18v contain the Vision of Dorotheos, who is identified as the son of “Quintus the Poet.” The remaining folia contain a series of poems: “On Abraham,” “[...]the dikaioi,” “[...] of the Lord Jesus,” “What would Cain say after murdering Abel,” “The Lord to the [...], “[...] Abel destroyed by Cain,” and two poems with mutilated titles. The presence of Christian rhetorical exercises (such as ethopoiia: “What would Cain say after murdering Abel?”) may have been used in an educational setting (see Fournet, “Une éthopéé de Caïn”). Letters between Louis Doutreleau and Victor Martin show that the Bibliothèque Bodmer had received at least part of the Codex of Visions by September of 1956 (Robinson, The Story of the Bodmer Papyri, 43). These leaves are said to have been purchased in Egypt through Phocion Tano.
Auteur: Anonyme
Titre: PB D
Langue: Ancient Greek (to 1453)
Nombre de scans: 52
Type: Manuscript
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